- 深刻{しんこく}な[重大{じゅうだい}な]遺伝病{いでんびょう}を持った子どもが生まれないようにする[生まれることを避ける]
avoid the birth of a child with a serious genetic disorder 意味
- "avoid tax" 意味
- "avoid technology obsolescence" 意味
- "avoid tempting juveniles to smoke" 意味
- "avoid the antagonism of" 意味
- "avoid the burden of" 意味
- "avoid the city heat" 意味
- "avoid the common pitfalls" 意味
- "avoid the company of strangers" 意味
- "avoid the antagonism of" 意味
- "avoid the burden of" 意味
- "avoid the city heat" 意味